Tuesday, July 26, 2011

The black man: A beast in the loose.

black man has suffered a great injustice by the hands of his fellow Africans and Europeans during the time of slavery. His own African brothers used him as a slave, sold him into slavery and so did the Europeans. As a result,he's bitter, violent, and confused.
The black man is lazy. That is, he's lazy mentally and physically. Learning or working hard is a chore for most but this is especially true of the black man.

New to a world with little to no tolerance to a different kind, the Black man finds himself, a stranger in a new society, the history of slavery and the awakening of the Black race created an eternal feeling of entitlement and a victim image is implemented in his mind, explaining his laziness and his expectation of eternal handout as a reparation.

The black man identifies with the "physical" aspects of his life rather than the "mental." since slavery time until modern days, the Black man was considered a more physical force than mental. effort has been made to cultivate his mental abilities, the result are few to none, made the necessity of special measures when addressing the Black race, affirmative action and positive discrimination are the more common form of the government effort into integrating the Black man, a more common sympathy and tolerance to incompetence are noticed among general people due to the Black race status and the special condition of the Black man.
The black man has little pride in his work. He takes the shortest possible path to get his job done, provided it doesn't get him fired or disciplined, this trace it's roots back to slavery and the racial related inferiority complex and the situation of subordination: aster/Slaveoften present in his mind and extended to today's work place.

The black man is oversexed because his energies are mostly focused on the physical aspects of his life. Sex is an escape and a way of passing the time. In addition, the black man desires "white flesh" and he likes nothing more than to see a white woman spreading her legs wide to him, or sucking on his black penis.The idea of dominating a white woman in bed increases his lust manyfold. He's aware, through other black men who boast of their conquests, that the white woman , are more likely to spread their legs for him.The black man settles arguments with his fists (the physical once again) rather than talking it out.